Ukraine Alp Blossom
A war right in the centre of Europe – that is so unbelievably horrible, and without hesitating we made a donation in early March, of course.
But we would like to continue helping, and help more! And what could be more obvious than selling cheese, as a fundraiser, to support relief agencies in Ukraine.
And further on, equally obvious, we re-invented our Alp Blossom in the Ukraine’s national colours blue and yellow. We’d like our Ukraine Alp Blossom to radiate hope.
From the proceeds of every kilogram of Ukraine Alp Blossom sold we’ll donate 2€ (and correspondingly 1 US$/lbs) to World Central Kitchen. That NGO charity was founded in 2010 by renowned chef José Andres to provide fast, direct and straightforward help in the form of warm meals to people affected by natural disasters, or as now in Ukraine, war.
We call and count upon our worldwide B2B cheese community to sell Ukraine Alp Blossom and add their share to our donations. Whoever would like to give directly, can do this by clicking here.

Where to buy Ukraine Alp Blossom
Here are the places where you’ll find our Ukraine Alp Blossom, to support people in Ukraine.

Our cheese friends in Ukraine: Mozzarella Fresca in Odessa
Inna and Viktor of Mozzarella Fresca own a gourmet food store in the centre of Odessa, and we are proud to be listed as their purveyors.
At the moment however, they spend their days preparing meals and distribute them. To feed all those who are defending their home country of Ukraine. To feed the young patients of a children’s hospital. And so many others in need. So far they’ve spent more than 20,000 Euro of their own as well as friends’ and purveyors’ donations, to support Ukrainians in Odessa.
Our warmest, most heartfelt wishes are with you. Please persevere. Slava Ukraini!
For me the yellow stands for sunshine! Sunshine which was in their lives before Putin came, sunshine which will prevail again!
The blue is for reliability and trust! Dear friends in Ukraïne , in our ways we fight with you and for you! We will sell Alp Blossom like we never did before….
My heart hurts for the people of Ukraine. Their strength, courage and resilience is deeply inspiring. But sending them thoughts, prayers and love is not enough. We must all try to do our part.
So Columbia Cheese will match Kaeskuche and donate $1 per pound for every wheel of Blue and Yellow Alp Blossom we sell here in the United States. Shout out to World Central Kitchen and Jose Andres for being fearless in the face of adversity and doing God’s work.
Alp Blossom is a beloved cheese, and we’re thrilled to be able to use it as a vehicle to bring more attention to both the Ukrainian cause and to World Central Kitchen, which does incredible life-saving work.
I have no doubt that our customers here in the UK will be lining up to taste this delicious cheese and provide their support for all those who have been affected by this senseless war. We are honoured to be a part of this effort.
Growing up in Berlin and seeing the wall come down, when no one expected this ever to happen, has made me believe that there is always, always hope and light, even in the darkest moments.
Through cheese I’ve met and connected with so many people – and one day we will all reunite in Odesa and enjoy Ukraine Alp Blossom together.
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